the man i married…

I was already awake by the time Papa returned from work at 3am last night. Reason being – I have developed this ridiculous Itching on the SOLES of my feet and hands..and a little on my back! Accompanied Papa who was so pitiful, eating maggi(as he thought i was sleeping and didnt wanna trouble me) and happily scratched my pathetic skin away. These are normal skin tags during preg due to an increase in hormones..estrogen, in particular..

Before Papa left for work at 8pm, we went to Polong’s bro’s wedding..simple, normal malay wedding..Met up with mizan n shidah, the commando n sparrow like after soo long. Exchanged many stories abt pple we know..friends are finally getting hitched, some would be released from dungeons, some have wasted their lives away, some have broken marriages. And i just thought to myself..I am sooo lucky,blessed to have a wonderful Man i can call my OWN. He may not live up to my parents expectations, and nobody thought he deserved me initially..maybe coz he was not a smartiepants,not rich, not handsome with sharp nose n not indian muslim,but he IS very much respectful, loving, not wife-thrasher, understanding, matured, full of wisdom, knows his priorities and of course, even my beloved grandma and aunties have positive opinions on him. Nowadays, handsome degree holders treat woman like trash and dont even know a woman’s worth. Egoistic, narrow minded, wife-beaters..but amazingly, most of them are EDUCATED!!very civilised, indeed.. You can hardly get a man who loves and treats u the same as before and after marriage..or a man who isnt calculative and shares the housework, nappy change, baby-sitting, prepare a meal for you or even gives you a much-needed massage when he, himself is exhausted. Therefore, im thankful to Good God above, for this man who loves me and my children and my family..(some man turn into a different monster altogether after marriage and DONT even let you meet or speak with your parents or family!!)

So back to our private Sunday together when Mak n Pak took qisha to cik ida house(after a $10 taxi bribe and sympathy seeking-complaining of my backaches etc) Since the weather was unfavourably scorching hot, we dcided to head home n just catch up on our private time. God i so miss those days where we had nothing to think about during weekends, we had time to ourselves where we could just sleep the sundays away, wake up, dress up for movie and dinner, and enjoy the night breeze at the cosy corner infront of houg pt wit drinks frm cheers or ice-cream frm Mcdonalds..speak our hearts away..cuddle memorable..

At home, i urged him to catch up on some sleep b4 work and closed the door so my telly wont bug him. He came out of the room barely 5mins later b4 i could warm my bums on the mattress infnt of telly and bummed beside me..Watched several random programmes and i wasnt even focussing on the telly..wad mattered was his presence and our time together..i wonder if he’s still going to be the same hilarious crazy old man after my 2nd delivery..Insya-Allah.. =)

idiotic selenge face

idiotic selenge face

Picture 068

Hmm.Exactly a month to go before EDD. Look at tat VAIN asian babe in the above pic rite after her first confinement. She’s one hot mumma. And she’ll make a Grand Appearance in December, provided she manage to shed the kilos and water retention after second delivery.

Im one month closer to chunky/strappy heels, LBD with shiny black belts, and i can continue strutting my corporate wear eventho my job doesnt require meeting people,not forgetting the new hairdo with highlights..And of course, hubby and me have planned our Countdown venue wif Mizan n fiancee.where else but St. James?movidaaaaa..i tink its been 7months since i stepped into st.james and 6months since i last clubbed.Yah,believe it or not i was still partying at 3 months in pregnancy.

Wonder if TC gona declare bonus this year..if it wud be 1 month, im entitled to half atleast. Half is better than none, blimey!

Can happiness get any better? im already so very the happy..looking forward to so many thgs..her arrival,rejuvenating/revamping, bonus, countdown, papa’s bday and..oh i almost forgot..Qisha’s enrolment for childcare..half or full day,aint decided yet.

TC August Wall of Fame(my 1st)

tired of applauding non-stopFor old-timers, its a chance to escape inbound/outbound calls and to grab free food. For us from AXA n AvivaDirect, its our FIRST Wall of Fame!! Its being held every end of the month  to award outstanding staff for their service which was complimented by Customers/Clients via phone/email or nominated by TL for outstanding tasks done. Here are candid shots of me,which i find very puffed-up and bloated but Aszlin said im glowing..u be the judge la.

ms thai,70yr-old-V,ms Filipina,and spaceMen

ms thai,70yr-old-V,ms Filipina,and spaceMen

Ms. Steamy eyes Aszlin

Ms. Steamy eyes Aszlin

Ms. Red Tomatorina

Ms. Red Tomatorina

consoling my bump-kicking for ang Ku Kueh!

consoling my bump-kicking for ang Ku Kueh!My first Award for receiving compliments from customer!!$20 Capitaland Voucher. How i wished its Best CSR of the month..$100!!"fierce"-says Dennis Torres.

Qisha’s Amazing Achievement

Atok gave her a pen. She grabbed the pen and stood up abruptly.Walked around the house to look for something,aimlessly, i thought.

There was an open magazine face-down on the floor in front of me. She saw it too. She paced towards the target and sat beside it. Much to my amazement, she started drawing in a circular motion on the mag. Nobody ever taught her that!! My conclusion:

1) She understood the functions of a pen.

2) She had stable grip and proper control of the pen although it wasn’t held properly and she switched from right hand to left and vice versa.

3) I assume she has good observation skills as she probably imitated me when i did ‘Word Search’ now and then.

4) Unlike other kids, she never misused the pen, and focussed on the magazine as a ‘book’ or object that can be drawn on. I mean, some toddler would prolly draw on walls or broad surfaces once they discovered the Wonders of the Ink Pen.

5) Good attention span. She spent about 4-5 minutes drawing on the mag. And papa had to distract her. I should have video-ed the moment. Its a sign that she ‘s showing interest in books. And what i did next was to think of ways to scaffold her interest, so as to enhance her studying/learning abilities..

Its a Proud Moment for me and Qisha..i picked her up,applauded and praised her achievements.. Monster-in Law jus watched on..prolly tot it was just-another-kid-thing with NO effort required but i cant blame her coz she’s not a learned-person. Its my duty to nurture my girl.Really thank all those lecturers in ICEC who taught me a fair deal on children’s developments stage by stage and our Role as a caregiver.

Borrowed Papa’s IC coz im going to head to library to borrow hard-cover picture books for Qish. A mental note to buy the re-writable magic board so Qisha can draw wonders and i can use it to flash ABC or 123.

I remember watching youtube on how this 2 year plus girl was able to speak clearly, read flash cards, obediently sat on her papa’s lap throughout reading the Cinderella story book(simplified)-meaning very very long attention span. That was a result of early nurturing. And why attention span is vital is because it would determine the duration of focus during lessons and to prolong her interest in learning.

Now dont start thinking im a psycho mum who is so KIasu and want to pressure my child to stop enjoying Playtime when she should at this age, and to start learning ABC 123 when its too early. No dont get me wrong. I promised myself n Papa that i would make learning fun and would limit to just 15 minutes per day initially. I would also think of ways to integrate learning in Playtime, inclusive of Music and Movement.

This was the reason i ‘reasoned’ to myself to take the early childhood course altho everyone thinks its a waste of time.

Up next..i jus discovered my Ugly self found in the company’s photo share for the August Wall of Fame..

Awaiting your arrival,beautiful!

hey!14 workin days to endure till maternity leave!ive to fine tune my brain to prepare for labour!how time flies..still remember at one point of time nobody suspected my bump,and i was already 4mths preg!not my parents,not the interviewer,not my new colleagues..noone!now its a huge bump(some pple say she;s a smaller bump compared to my 1st preg) kicking away,dancin the para2 with flutterin hands and doin the somersault in the water sac..

Altho doc says she’s goin to be a girl, an incy wincy part of me wish for a miracle at the eleventh hour..But that does mean im not happy wif lil bump..Gosh No!!We are excited and cant wait for her arrival!! Ihope i don hafta wait that long coz backache is torturing me and i can feel the pressure on lower abdomen..constant call of nature,headaches etc really irritating and at times i seek papa’s attention and embarrassing.

Had small talk wif papa at nitez..dscribed our fantasy image of how she’s goin to look her kakak?big round eyes wif curly hair and a cute dimple on right cheek like mummy ? =) really excites me to go into labour faster..

now im thinking of possible names for her..and reserve at least 5 baby boy names,just in case Allah gives me a Miracle.

im so looking forward to maternity leave..a WHOLE 16weeks to enjoy.goodness!Im already planning how im going to spend my well-deserved break.

1) i’m not going to make d same mistake i did during my first pregnancy. This time im NOT going to be silly and will breastfeed baby Erlysha(?) /Ariella(?) for a minimum of 6months. So much nutrients in there which will boost her immune system,and ‘protect’ her in future..Natural goodness which we cant get elsewhere..When i had qisha, we immediately bought similac to assist when im at work..Im not going to be lazy and will get a storage kit for breastmilk. That’s the way,mommy!

2)I’ll buy the required materials and start teaching Qisha..flashcards,mind boggling games,building blocks,re-writable board,nursery rhmes CD etc. A headstart to enjoy learning..and to prepare for playgroup next year. =)

3)I will do justice to my body..massage every week,eat well,lose weight,work on my skin.

4)Perform the solat diligently.

5)Sleep like fahmezah.

6)Cook nutritious food for Qisha.Plan a weekly menu for Qisha.

7)to be continued coz im still thinking. And im interrupted by Grace and her constant emails on Swensen’s Ice-cream.


to note till i deliver..

i always have to bear in mind..

a smiling mommy makes a happy baby…

tested and proven result is my lil pumpkin “Chabubu”.

i need a part-time indon maid/confinement lady(flexi)..anyone? =(

“A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for…” ..Anonymous

Putting Zest into Life


Exactly one month more to my Maternity Leave and im SO looking forward to it. i’m so used,so shagged,so tired and almost expired.whatever that means, in its deepest sense.

Yesterday we went for the scan. And syukur to Allah for the gender of our baby. =) Hubby looked like he was tearing.tears of joy?Perhaps he was overwhelmed by God’s work. Whtever the gender of our baby, we reassured ourselves that its our flesh n blood,fruit of our love and of course our promise to love,care and share unconditionally.Doc granted me an MC and no way was i going back to work. So we went home, freshened up and head to town wif little angel. Today is HER day. i allowed hubby to get his dream phone,put aside some savings into my “rainy-day account” and we met up with CT n Fam.Swensen’s @ ION had an xtremely long q(like how they q-up to change ez-link at d eleventh hour) so we went to Sakura and had a hearty lunch cum dinner. Next stop was Paragon. CT and me bought matching FOX baby sets and then to Toys’R’Us..Qisha was so everywhere…her first visit to toy store!!Bought for her the Fisher price Sesame Street Saxophone because she likes the music every star-key all starts with a gruffy-man voice which says,”Cha Cha Cha”…

That look on her cheery face..its true wad papa says…Seems like all our exhaustion is left behind at work..All the zest comes back in our life..


Anyways, im waiting for TL to be done and we’re gg for a much-needed manicure at far east plaza..and we tot of going for a least once a month..and also to do our hair..rebond or colour..We really need it. And all the more im so eager to deliver and rejuvenate and style up again…ooh lalaaaa.

And my darling bestie is back to work wif TC again.that’s an xtra boost to my working life.Now i look forward to every lunch break again…

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